Hypnotherapy Practitioner Training
Get your Practitioner Diploma in Hypnotherapy. The Diploma we teach is NVQ level 4, a professional qualification.
Zetta Thomelin offers professional hypnotherapy training through Head Together Hypnotherapy Training
The school utilises an integrated multi-discipline approach to hypnotherapy which brings a holistic approach to both training and practice. It is relaxed tutorial style learning.
HTHT offers a practitioner diploma in hypnotherapy which confers health care status and complies with the core curriculm standards and learning outcomes UKCHO and the CNHC (Comlementary and Natural Healthcare Council)
Costs and Dates
The course can be taken over ten or seven months, with 120 direct tuition hours and 450 hours of home study.
For more information on the course call:
01304 369330 or visit our website at
Our Practitioner Courses for 2022 are now full.
PDF Brochure
Click here for a PDFbrochure
Training for BAThH
Zetta offers training for BAThH, the latest session was Poetry a Doorway to therapy
"The training course I did with you was intensive and extremely informative. You are a passionate and highly experienced tutor."
"The BAThH study day you lead on poetry in hypnotherapy I found extremely useful and informative."
Lisa Williamson
Creative Wellbeing Solutions

CPD Courses
CPD courses are available for certified hypnotherapists, each course is 2.5 hours, grants 2.5 CPD credits and costs £50.
CPD courses are also available see below for the latest list:
Self Hypnosis